Sunday, August 25, 2013

Video Games you are bitter sweet

I don't talk to people so I'm making this blog about video games so I can rant and rave about them. Video games have been a keystone in my life. They have been such a big part of my life that I have many bones to pick with other gamer's who direct the flow of what games are made by what games they buy.

It is my opinion that 95% of all video games are shit. Are you going to contradict me for the sake of argument? Are you going to tell me that all of your favorite RPG's and all of your pokemon games make it a more reasonable number of about 50% of games are shit? Well, this is subjective and this is my opinion. This blog is my opinion basically, right your own damn blog. Back to what I was getting at, Oh ya most all games are total crap and not worth $60.00.

In my unhummble opinion games should not have a set price. Notice the downloadable games are whatever price. Games at the store on the other hand are setup to rip your ass off. Most games you can't even demo before hand. If your dumb enough to buy a game before you have rented it, you likely will justify why your shitty new game is cool to your friends so you don't look like such a jerkoff. All games should have a demo and if you don't think so you should go eat shit. Go ahead and sell the games all the same price because all I have to do is wait two months and a game that was once 60 bucks new is now on gamestops wall used for $20. Take a trip down to gamestop and take a look at the used prices. Games don't hold there value at all and price drops come quick to things that have no value. The gems don't even hold there value, I blame this on all the money going to new hyped up shit games that everybody is talking about and everybody has to preorder. Wake up people. Video game hype is how all these companies are tugging you along.

New consoles are mostly hype and then there is likely a good year and a half waiting for a game to come out for your dusty not so new console that everybody had to have.

Action games and shooters are soooooooo boring. Same thing over and over and over again. If there is a shooter that is unique than I'm all for it. Chances of that are slim. Run and gun is done and to the developers that keep making that garbage, to hell with you. If you know jack about games that is where gaming has mostly gone  and it has been great for meat heads and shitty for people who like creative new games. You have 13 year old kids playing gun games with 30 year old adults. To me it seems that these no brain games are geared toward little kids. Can't leave out crappy hack and slash button mashing bullshit. God of War was a good game, then every developer under the sun jumped on the band wagon and rode that pussy into the ground. Shit is dead.

There are way too many things that piss me off about video games. There are also many beautiful things about them that I hold near and dear to my heart.

In my next posts I will tell you why a game blows hard or why a game is epic.

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