Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Zelda Ocarina of TIme ruined

I was liking the new textures and didn't mind some of the new movements until I became grown up link.

Link runs in slow motion and it looks terrible. I remember always liking how they made the adult link back in the day and it still is nice to watch link run around.

He is the center of the screen at all times and this crap they put out is so distracting and off putting I put the game down and doubt I will play it again. This is shitty because I'm sure there is nice textures and different design elements in the rest of the game. I may never know due to this nagging problem. It amazes me that nintendo let that through. Why fuck with something that is part of the original recipe that succeeded. I didn't give much thought to the changes with young link. Adult link is too obvious.

I did notice that Nintendo had help from an outside company with this. That also blows my mind that they would even think about handing that utlra classic over to another company.

Bad Fucking moves, Big huge bad fucking move. This game could have blown me away and I will end up scarred thinking of how it fell short.

The original is an epic game that has out dated textures and even some design. At least I can be amazed by links design and movement. Looks like I'm fucked either way. It is likely that the game will never be remade or fixed up again. Maybe in Ten goddamn years.

One day Nintendo has me amazed by brilliant games and on another they have me wondering what the fuck they were thinking. 

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