Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dear Nintendo and who ever the hell cares

I analyzed sales figures at wikia which can be viewed here Gamecube sales. What I noticed is Wii U is similar to Gameube sales. Nintendo obviously were lucky as a mother fuck to do as well as they did with Wii sales. Wii sales peaked and dropped down. Nintendo really hit the ball out of the park with creating Wii sports. That game is what created the buzz. People liked the idea and they wanted to play the shit. Now families were super interested and the demographics had expanded. Nintendo wasn't hustling only nerds sitting alone in their rooms, now they were the cream of the crop selling to everyone that could swing a plastic tube.  I was one of the many that wasn't impressed and I was the nerd sitting alone in his room. This gimmick attempt paid off for Nintendo, however it did scar me and gave me new insight on Nintendo and what whoring yourself out can do. It was a legit whoring and they are business people. I am a video game hungry asshole that needs his games. Nintendo came through and put out a few classics for the Wii, still the whole system idea is something I would rather forget. Now the Wii U game pad is now another question.

Now that Nintendo's cash crop has dried up and their new attempt isn't bringing in nearly the same amount, Nintendo falls back down to where they were over a decade ago. I think Nintendo had a big ego after the Wii success and thought they had a recipe for domination. The 3DS was balls out and totally the wrong fucking move. The Wii U had to happen. They were not ready and it did not matter because time was up and they had to release something. The Wii U was the best they could do because they couldn't make another Wii with a swing around remote because people were tired of the gimmicky bullshit idea. They also couldn't go too far out and come up with something too risky because of the 3DS sting, so they went in between with something they felt more safe with. Besides what could they have come up with? I think they followed the money trend of tablets and that is already taken over by other companies. What Nintendo came up with is cool in my mind however it is kinda gimmicky and people are keen to that by now.  The Wii was far out and took balls for Nintendo to release. Of course it did far beyond good in sales. Wii U is not balls out, it was a safe play and more ordinary, so the return will match their risk.

Another point is adults like violent games and sports games so they go to Sony and Microsoft for that. So, people would be buying a Nintendo for their kids however why would they buy a nice tablet that could be broken easily for their kids? The investment of more than 400 dollars once games are bought with the system is not one that average income people are willing to take a risk on.  I think the game pad itself is the reason Nintendo has not sold more units to families. Also why would families buy something that the kids would fight over, since there is only one game pad? They sure as fuck wouldn't buy four of those game pads so all the kids have one. That is way too much money to spend for a damn Nintendo toy. Basically the Wii U is too nice and too expensive to buy for their destructive children. Oh yeah and you can't leave out the Ten dollar raise on games. This all adds up in parents heads. This all will be thought of. This is not a five dollar toy to shut the kids up on a trip. This is hundreds of dollars matched up with the hundreds of dollars you also have already spent on each of the kids like touch screen computers and android phones. Or simply Nintendo is for pussies among the new generation and most kids will only ask the parents for the Xbox One. The herd usually only goes in one direction. Pretty much it is all up to Mom and Dad.

Mom and Dad liked the Wii so they could spend fun time with the whole family. Wii U doesn't live up to that in the least bit. It sends the kids back off into their rooms to play by themselves and grow more distant from the family. Nintendo wanted to go back to their core gamer's and I have no fucking clue why they did that. Something that the entire family can enjoy with each other at the same time is the selling point for mega bucks. This is where Xbox and Sony are investing and they are also investing to the single loner. Both will bring in the money. Takes us back to one person sitting there with the tablet and the rest of the family holding old Wii remotes. The setup is off putting because who gets to hold the tablet and why is that tablet even there in the first place? It simply confuses the crowd. Swinging the Wii remote around like idiots was so much easier and less complicated for the uncoordinated casual player i.e. Mom, Dad, and aunt Judy.

I read an article lately were a fella was saying that Nintendo could do a lot better if they ditched the game pad. I think he might be right and that would be wild shit if they do. Nintendo would have to update their systems to run controllers with out the pad being mandatory to start up the system. That and the pad being able to be completely off while using a classic controller or wii controller. Then Nintendo's move would be selling the console with a wii remote and a classic controller for less than it is being sold now. Maybe in the 200 dollar area. I strongly predict that they will do something like this sometime within two holiday seasons. Of course the game pad bundle will still be on the market and optional to use with games. Nintendo will have to be clever and not make it look like they are going backwards. I did read that Nintendo is asking all third party developers to make the games to be able to play without the game pad and optional to play with classic controllers or Wii controller (this could be a rumor).

Nintendo could also set it up where you could buy the Wii U console alone for 150 and set up a way to use the 3DS as a game pad or controller. That would be awesome and give people more incentive to go out and buy a 3DS. You could have a Wii U and a  3DS close to the same price as a Wii U cost today. Yes I might be brilliant, Nintendo you sons of bitches I know you have thought about this. Do it, I like the idea.  They might have to make a new improved 3DS still I think it would be good shit and I would be down for that because then I could play some 3DS games as well.

One thing that Nintendo could do that other companies don't have right now is the ability to have shooter games that nobody can watch other players screens to see where they are at. Now three friends could bring there game pads over to one persons house and have a lan party style setup without having to bring over the system. This would have been awesome for Goldeneye back in the day. I would like to think there are people out there that still have physical friends that like to get together and party it up a bit including video games in the mix. If anything would kill this idea it would be the mass majority of people play online and don't give a shit about getting together for some game time. Passing a Wii remote around at a party limits the involvement when 1 player games are on. Tell me that playing Goldeneye with all your friends back in the day wasn't worth buying all those controllers. To me it was worth it and I had all four controllers set up for some serious battles. That was over a hundred dollars to get those controllers.

 No other console has the game pad with the screen. Nintendo could do some damage with this because people love those damn shooters and spend billions for them. Make the shooters friend gathering and fucking fun as shit and bang Nintendo is on top of the market again. One thing for sure people wouldn't have to deal with lag or play in rooms that have twenty people in them. If they do want that they could mix the lan play with online play if one of the buddies can't make it over that night because they are grounded. This is the only way I could imagine people investing in extra game pads. The hardcore gamer's will spend their entire paycheck on gaming shit. I do think people look for a good reason to get together with friends. Even though the majority of people play online, Nintendo could set the standard for playing with friends in one room again. The internet has given us major abilities and it has also turned us into faceless people. Human interaction is shit, with games it is high times. When you shoot someone down you don't see their reaction online. All you get is some twelve year old cussing. This way you can see your friends face turn red and have some drinks while laughing about it.

Nintendo survived during different sales figures over the decades and they have been able to put out classic games that are more memorable to me than any other company. The future isn't clear for Nintendo, the past is and if you take a look at the shit they have survived through you can get an idea of what Nintendo can handle in the future. Only difference is money is power and Nintendo doesn't match the power that Sony and Microsoft have. If those companies wanted to crush Nintendo and that was their purpose they have the money to do it. Nintendo one day might be making games for Sony and Microsoft. I cringe at the horrible truth that might be. They might be working on some big hits to come out, unfortunately I don't think any of the titles they will come out with will boost sales up as high as the Wii had. I for see sales parallel with Gamecube through out it's more than likely five year life span. Even if Sony and Microsoft keep their systems going for 7-8 years, Nintendo might have to come out with another console if Wii U doesn't do any better than what Gamecube did. Likely that focus would be on a new handheld first since the 3DS lifespan will be up here in a few years.

Come on Nintendo it's time to shine, unleash the genius.

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