I'm listening to soothing music right now because Nintendo is breaking my heart. In my recent purchase of a Wii U, my experience is disturbed by the button placement on the right hand side and the shape of the entire pad. The shit is fucked. I don't think it is a matter of getting use to it. The button layout is bullshit and doesn't work right. My wrist has to move way to much to get to the buttons. The main problem is the a,b,x,y, buttons located below the joystick. I'm having to get back and forth between the trigger, the stick, and the a,b,x,y, using my wrist. It is a broken setup and it pisses me off because it is going to be a problem for every fucking game that will be on this Wii U.
If you want to go along with Nintendo and play their games you have to be on board with whatever they are trying to make money off of. Fuck being innovative if you can't even get the basics right. This poor design is so shitty. I now am preparing myself for a new design that Nintendo will have in the future to fix this pile of shit problem. If I want to play a new more comfortable game pad I will have to buy another one.
After giving it some thought I realized that the feel is similar to how the Sega Dreamcast controller was set up. Sega made a block like controller that had straight up and down sides. This makes you have to turn your wrists in to go to the buttons, or simply to hold the fucking thing. If you look at the PS3 controller the shape goes out so that way you don't have to turn your wrist. It has a more natural feel and plays smooth. I made a drawing to show you how the Wii U pad should be shaped for comfortable play. Notice I turned the d-pad on the left side slanted somewhat to go with how your hand would be positioned. Makes no fucking sense why it has been straight all along. Also under the right joystick there is only one button that the thumb can easily slide down to. The other buttons could be added in other places that the thumb can get to without breaking the wrist. I also think that there can be a button in the joysticks when you push forward with more pressure. Now days they have joysticks/thumbsticks that you can push down, this is different. I mean as you push forward against the stick. This could be used for running. It would be a nice addition yet irrelevant to my main concern in this post.
Below is the backside and look at how I changed the triggers to be slanted some to go with natural straight wrist angle of the hand on the game pad.
This way it is all smooth and the thumbs are the only thing that has to move around (not the fucking wrist). Nintendo has made the same mistake as Sega Dreamcast, that is laughable. Especially since Nintendo was in competition with them at the time. Did they not hold the game pad in their hands for an hour or two to really get an idea of what I'm explaining here. FUCK. This is the way it should be NINTENDO. Sad I have to point this out to a company that has been making controllers close to thirty years. It is safe to bet that Nintendo already knew about this and went around it for size attention. If they were to make the pad like I have drawn out, it would be wider and appear bigger. So this could be a case of looks rather than functionality. Also the bigger it is the more room it takes up in shipping. Still both of these reasons should not take priority over function. One other thing I can't leave out is the shape is familiar to other touch screen pads that people have knowledge of. Only thing is they function different and are not god damn video game controllers!
This is how a controller should be shaped for anyone that is not clear on the matter
Now put a screen in the middle of it |
Now take a look at the wrist turned in while this fella is playing his Wii U game pad.
Now what will this guy have to do if he wants to push the buttons bellow the joystick on the right side of the game pad? You got it right, he will have to turn his wrist out. Damn you are smart. If you dig what I'm writing here make a beef in forums and anywhere that Nintendo can get a whiff.
Examine the wrist going in while holding a Dreamcast controller.
I must give attention to the new Steam system controller. This controller is setup to work the thumbs well. In my opinion it is super genius and I will want to get my hands on it. I like how they position the buttons on the side of the two thumb pads. Check it out bellow. Take a look how the handles bulb out to fill the space in your hands so you have to grip it less. It looks so snug. So beautiful. Who ever is on the team that came up with this brilliant game pad should be given the nobel prize.
*UPDATE* 10/12/13
I thought about how Nintendo could simply make a cover or a slip in that would have the sides that extend out and fit in the hands. This seems like a reasonable thing they could do. So far I have found one product that is similar to what I'm describing. Still this product doesn't do shit because it doesn't come out on the sides for the wrist support. Take a look at the pic below.
Having the hand grip below the system does jack shit for thumb stick and button use. Change the shape and this thing could be just what I'm looking for. Simply take the grips off the bottom and put them on the side.
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