Friday, September 27, 2013

Darksiders is the shit Darsiders 2 is shit

Darksiders is a game that came out of no where and I'm glad it did. This game has some heavy puzzles that will boggle the brain, in a pleasing way. Whatever year it came out I remember it was the best game out that year.

Darsiders 2 is shit. Maybe the game gets better as you play, three hours in for me was enough to stop playing it. The second isn't really anything like the first. If you haven't played the first and you have played the second, you have not yet truly experienced Darksiders.

Sure this is a hack and slash game, that is only a small part of the game. The game changes as you play through. The weapons change and the boss battles are all unique and have different strategies. The puzzles is mainly what kept me glued to the TV. The puzzles are amazing and are well thought out. Some of them had me down right pissed off. Once I would figure out a puzzle I would have full satisfaction.

There is a good amount of time in this game and plenty of variety that kept my interest. The game is beautiful and riding around on a flaming horse chopping fuckas up is a good time.

Replay is not so great with this game. This is a one time through game for me, leaving me with only sweet memories. Some games are better off that way and I'm ok with it, if the game is awesome. This game is awesome and more affordable now. It is a classic.

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