Friday, September 27, 2013

Darksiders is the shit Darsiders 2 is shit

Darksiders is a game that came out of no where and I'm glad it did. This game has some heavy puzzles that will boggle the brain, in a pleasing way. Whatever year it came out I remember it was the best game out that year.

Darsiders 2 is shit. Maybe the game gets better as you play, three hours in for me was enough to stop playing it. The second isn't really anything like the first. If you haven't played the first and you have played the second, you have not yet truly experienced Darksiders.

Sure this is a hack and slash game, that is only a small part of the game. The game changes as you play through. The weapons change and the boss battles are all unique and have different strategies. The puzzles is mainly what kept me glued to the TV. The puzzles are amazing and are well thought out. Some of them had me down right pissed off. Once I would figure out a puzzle I would have full satisfaction.

There is a good amount of time in this game and plenty of variety that kept my interest. The game is beautiful and riding around on a flaming horse chopping fuckas up is a good time.

Replay is not so great with this game. This is a one time through game for me, leaving me with only sweet memories. Some games are better off that way and I'm ok with it, if the game is awesome. This game is awesome and more affordable now. It is a classic.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Brave New "video game" World

I think the video game world could use a change. This is what I would like to happen:

Since it is pretty much inevitable that games will most all be download only in the near future I might as well get something out of it.

What if there were sections of games like episodes that were available for download at different periods of time. This way developers don't have to spend a ton of money on a game and they can find out real quick if they have a good game on their hands. Each episode could be $10-$20. The developers would make a playable hour or two and hold on development until they find out what the interest is in the game. This would be one episode or section sold at a time.

Also this could allow player feedback and the players could have some say on what could be changed for the better in the next episode, for example controls or options. This always seems like a problem with most games that come out.

Capcom could have saved millions of dollars with Resident Evil 6 development if they would have gone with this idea. People would of said this is shit like they did and they could have fixed the problem or abandoned the project.

Each episode could have new flavor and carry new ideas into the whole thing. Seems like most games are long and drawn out with the same shit until the end. So let me pay for sections and If I like your game I will buy more. If you really want to do good business and get my interest have a playable free demo.

In a way this is already happening with full games like Halo, 2, 3, 4. It is the idea that is continuing and I'm saying that it doesn't have to be that way and more enjoyment for players and more money for developers is possible. Instead of making these huge filled in long games, put out shorter versions that have more genius and more involvement. I would like to see this instead of going through levels simply to beat the fucking thing since I have already invested ten hours into it. This is not first class gaming. Dead Space 3 is a perfect example. Sad thing is there are only a handful of games that have my full interest all the way until the very end.

There are a lot of shitty games and to think of all the time and money that went into those games could have been saved if they would have let people sample a part of the game before developing the whole thing at once. Such a pity and it does hurt the gaming industry because losing money creates fear for ambitious game ideas. The safe way is to follow the leader and keep making the same thing over and over again.

Think about it. If you put out a fucking awesome section of a game every three to five months and you had a keeper and people were loving the game you could keep adding on to the game for years making way more off people than releasing a full game every two years. Also the developers would have more interaction with what the players like and don't like.

This is one way that I would be ok with download only games. No second hand circulation means lots more money for developers. This would also put a stop to rental. So, this means that the games have got to be first class, top notch.

After all the episodes have come out and time has passed the full game could then be sold on disc. Kind of like a movie in a theater making its way to dvd.

The entire system could be explained to the public and once the public is on board, spending small amounts on downloads could be the norm.

I'm tired of shitty fucking games that are $60. Most all of the video game industry is fucked and this is how I would like to see it changed one day (SOON). Death to ripping people off. Death to developers fucking themselves over.

The one thing that games have now is huge built up hype. Zelda can be announced years in advance and people begin to want that shit bad. It would be a different world if you were going away from that hype and turning it into another kind of hype. If a first episode is a big project for a company than the same hype can be built up for it and the mega sales that happen on day one can still be there. People will be hungry for the next part of the game. It is kind of like waiting a week to see another episode of Dexter. It is fresh on the mind and the entertainment is there.

The possibilities are endless.

Maybe there is someone out there that is reading this that digs the idea. If you do spread it around.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Destroyed by Donkey Kong Country Returns

Do you want to play a game that will piss you off like no other? If you are on board you will want to play Donkey Kong Country Returns.

This game is hard as hell and if you can get to the end of the game without smashing your Wii into bits you are a winner. Beside the game being difficult it is loads of fun. New Super Mario Bros. Is a bit difficult, DKCR is about a hundred times more difficult. You will die a lot. Good thing is Dying doesn't set you back, there are plenty of lives and checkpoints.

Shaking the Wii remote to stomp gets old after a while and it does make me wonder why Retro didn't add the option to use a button for stomping and such. Getting over that the game is very good. The mechanics are good which is a relief because if you fucked that up in a side scroller we would have a problem. The game is beautiful and this is good for my eyes. There is some strange hypnotism stuff in it like bananas circling the screen each time you start a stage or other strange cut scenes with hypnotizing music. Maybe you notice it too or I'm simply fucked in the head. It's like the game is trying to get into your head with all of the difficulty and hypnotism. It definitely got inside my head. It didn't take me that long into the game to simply forget about puzzle pieces. I would sometimes get the kong letters. If you can get all kong letters and all puzzle pieces you are a grand master of super hard games. I commend you if you have done this.

I would suggest getting a ton of alcohol and play this game with friends because of the fun factor involved. I think you will need to be sober as a nun with this game. You will need every bit of brain power you can muster up. So this might be an excellent game for friends after and AA meeting.

Retro did an excellent job with this game and have kept the side scrolling Donkey Kong alive and well.
Looks like another Donkey Kong is coming out here soon. Nintendo is closer to getting me to buy a Wii U.

DEATH to Downloading

I have been thinking about how I will likely not have tangible copies of games in the future and that kinda pisses me off. I want to blame shoppers for buying downloadable games, however the gaming industry is strategically creeping it in with favors. What might these be?

Early release. You can get the copy before hand and this is the big weapon in the arsenal. One thing most gamer's lack is patients. Either way if it becomes the norm to blow sixty dollars on a downloaded game people won't know the difference in the future. The game industry has waited for the majority of people to have internet for the gradual switch. Looks like that time is here.

I haven't played Payday 2. I watched a preview and wasn't impressed. I read an article that Payday is selling well over a million units and 80% of sales were downloaded. This is a sign of times. Think about it, this game isn't even a big hit. The game industry is going to go for this shit hard with most games now.

Using tactics like extras in the game as a bonus for download only would be super fucked, this is likely to happen.

Gradually games are being raised in price and now the downloading is saving the company more money. The biggest thing they are saving money on is the used copies not circulating. If all the game companies can get this to go within the next few years, the whole used game issue that came about won't be an issue. The issue takes care of itself through a different route. Makes me wonder why they brought the used copy issue up in the first place?

Notice you are not being shipped a copy of the game with the downloaded game. You are paying the same price and not getting the copy you could of got if you would have waited for the game in store launch date, or shipped to you.

If you download games that are in stores or available at internet stores you are supporting the future of games not being tangible. You are supporting the fall of used games and the ability to buy used games. You are fucking yourself big time. If you don't like a game that you downloaded you are shit out of luck, you can't sell it on ebay or take it down to the game shop. Nope, your stuck with your new shitty 60 dollar game that you had to download. Want to take the game over to a friends. Pack up your console even if your friend has a console. This is crap and this is what you are getting with this download bullshit. The companies will be rolling in the dough and you will be dumb fucks. Be smart and keep things in line fellow gamer's. I don't believe that so many people could be tricked so easily. It looks like it with Payday 2.

My solution is make the downloadable games 30-40 dollars and the tangible games at the store 50-60 dollars. More people will go for the download and there will be less second hand sales. The smart person will buy the tangible because they can sell it for 45 dollars on ebay and only be paying 20 dollars to play the game. This takes effort and people are fucking lazy so game companies can rest assured knowing that the downloads will take front seat. What the hell is a matter with these companies. Why hasn't this already taken place? I think a lot of people wait a month for game prices to drop on ebay because most think a game is worth about 40 dollars to play anyway. If this wasn't the case everybody would be going to buy the game first day for $60.00. Only way to know for sure is to know how much the second hand business is making off games and compare it to new retail sales. If you knew all the numbers and added the total number of sales by 40 dollars that is how much a company could expect to make if they were to drop the download price down to 40 dollars.

If the price is right I will get in bed.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Katamari Forever tripping mad nuts

Do you want to play a game that is fucking crazy as fuck? Well, get your mushrooms and a copy of Katamari Forever and have yourself a trip. This game is awesome, it is also frustrating as hell. I played this game for many hours missing now in my life. It was all worth it because this game is magical.

The game mechanics are simple and the game play is not so simple. Once you get things down you can get to killing the game.

The music is super cool and goes along with the game. The game is so unique and different, it is fresh and I'm hungry for new ideas in games. There isn't enough different games out there (that are good). Some developers give it a try and miserably fail.

In the game there are different setups of how you will roll up the landscape so it isn't the same thing over and over again. There is plenty to do in each place you visit and a lot of pressure to get your shit right. This will take some trial and error to figure out the best route to roll up things. It feels good to get a high score in this game. Other games with scores don't make me give a shit about getting a higher score like this game does. A little pride comes with it. Especially when you wanted to throw your controller through your TV screen so many times. It is all worth it because the game is top notch enjoyment. If you have at least one friend and a 30 pack of shitty beer this game is perfect for your bi curious engagement. Actually I think this would be a perfect game to play with a lady friend. She will have lots of fun which equals her playing the game through the night while you go in your room and finish yourself off. 

The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Super awesome dungeons and filled with other crap

It is interesting to me that when I first played through this game I didn't like it at all and felt that a good chunk of my life had been shit on since I didn't like Twilight Princess one bit and now this game was pissing me off. I went back months later to play it again since I remembered somethings about it that were calling out to me.

First I will explain what I didn't like and still don't like about the game. The first hour and a half of the game is total shit. Fuck all that pre learn how to play the game crap. What about when you replay the game again? All of that is garbage to get through. So the good thing is I can copy a save file at the point where the game picks up for me and start from there each time. The beginning of the game for me is when you go into the first dungeon. Next I do not like that big spiky thing that comes out of the center of the pit three times in the game. I don't even remember what it is called. Some of the sword movements don't work so well with the remote and it pisses me the fuck off that I have to double take most moves. The flying around in the sky part is shit and it wastes my god damn time flying from place to place. This game really has some filler bullshit to make it a longer game. Most of it is ok and adds to the enjoyment, some though is down right crap on Nintendo's part. Going in and out of the cloud to go back and forth for different reasons is a really good huge waste of time. Fuck having to spend huge amounts of time on pointless shit. Windwaker is the worst with this. The dungeons are my favorite parts of Zelda games and it makes me wonder why there isn't more focus on dungeons and less focus on flying around or riding horses. Fuck all that shit. Give me the guts of the game. One more thing that is super dumb is when I would land in the wrong area and realize I need to get to another area right by where I'm at. I have to go back up into the clouds and drop back down again. They should have used the robot to come down and do a quick pick and drop when you are in the same area instead of the waste of time they have in the game. 

Now for the good things. The audio is fantastic and I remember most parts of the game well because of the sound. The wii remote swinging crap is ok with me in this game and I feel like a pussy holding the remote in the air for the skyward move, still I'm ok with it and kind of think it works well. The dungeons are the shit in this game and right up there with Ocarina of time. Windwaker dungeons are ok, nothing like Skyward or Ocarina. These dungeons are clever and have imagination. They are also extremely entertaining to play. Each dungeon mixes it up so there is very little of the same thing in each of them. The game is beautiful, my eyes are pleased to see many cool things in this game (mostly in the dungeons).

This game is one of my favorite games of all time. The shitty parts of the game are so shitty that it distracted me from the beautiful parts of the game on my first play through. After some good time (about a hundred hours) I can focus on the good parts of the game and ignore the shitty parts. Life can be bitter sweet and so can video games. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Metroid Prime ruined

After writing my post about Metroid I did something horrible dumb and got an itch to play Metroid Prime. This game is ruined by those damn white fucks and especially the enemies that are in most all of the game, the guys that fly around shooting missiles at you. The exploration and kinda outdated graphics are ruined by this repetitive shit. I only played through it once when it first came out a long time ago. The game was cool looking then and even then I thought those enemies ruined the game. Pretty much all the enemies in the game are annoying and ruin the experience of enjoying oneself.

After all these years it definitely looks to me that the developers were pushed for a deadline and filled in the game with this crap. It is totally sucking major dick when you have to go back through the same areas and fight off the same bullshit time after time.

I have never said fuck Metroid Prime, today I am. FUCK you MP.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Advance Wars first class gaming

I purchased Advance Wars for the DS back when it first came out and didn't know anything about the game before I picked it up at a game store. I must have been bored out of my mind to simply buy a game like that without knowing what it was about. In this case it was a good move.

Advance Wars are my favorite strategy games and I like every one that has been released. The simplicity of the game makes the strategy the focus. It is like chess and better than chess in my opinion. My mind can get so involved in those games I don't think any other game can completely own all of my mind at once. I think I would take it personal if there was someone that said they didn't like the games to my face. Oh the respect I would lose for those that didn't find the beauty of the Advance Wars franchise.

Once I had learned about Advance Wars Dual Strike I tried the game boy advanced Advance Wars games and liked those big time as well. Then the latest came out Days of Ruin. That game is also the shit and I like the apocalyptic setting. There are changes in the game that I think improve upon the strategy. Days of Ruin is the most difficult of all of the games and I like the challenge. If I had to pick a favorite it would be Dual Strike.

I'm a bit irritated with the fact they haven't released another Advance Wars lately. Instead Fire Emblem has taken front seat. I tried out Fire Emblem games and didn't get into it. It is only a matter of time before there will be another. I will have to be patient. There is plenty to do in the existing games and that should take care of me until the next game. It would be excellent if they put out a console version and no battalion wars doesn't count. I want the real shit. I don't want real time strategy, I want turn base.

If you have not played any of the Advance Wars games and if you have a game boy advance or DS you are in luck and can go straight to Ebay for the goods. If you don't have a game boy advanced or DS, in my opinion it is more than worth buying a used DS to play any of the Advance war games.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Metroid: Nintendo Madness

 Not all Metroid games are in my give a shit about pile. Super Metroid is an epic game. I go back and play this frequently. There are so many things about this game that draw me in. The game flows and keeps me wanting more even after playing it a hundred times. I exercise my brain each time I play remembering everything that has to be done to get to the end a champ. The visuals, the audio, the game play is all first class. Super creative design and unforgettable scenery make this game a classic I will never forget about. You would think that Nintendo would maybe exceed standards with the 2D handheld Metroid games and in my opinion they fall way short. It would be difficult to make a 2D Metroid game better than Super Metroid. Sure some will disagree, which is their problem not mine. 

Metroid corruption is another one of my favorite games. I was living with a friend when the first Metroid Prime came out. I was in his room playing my new copy of Prime on a small ass tv. I didn't give a fuck, I was sucked in big time. I was totally into that game and it was so cool and new I thought I feared I might have been dreaming. I was pumped for Echoes and was let down. I was not a fan of that game and the dark crap you have to move around is boring and annoying. Most people like that game and I say go ahead and play it if you like. When corruption came out I didn't even bother with it because of echoes. I didn't play corruption until years later when I was bored at a game shop and picked it up. Then I started to play the beginning and thought the game was horrible and kind of dumb in  a way. I stuck with it like I should for most games and the juice started to flow. The game got better and better. I'm glad I kept playing because I would have never found out that the game is one of the best games ever made. I don't like the beginning so I played up to the point where I like the game and saved it in first slot. Every time I want to play I copy to second slot and that is the beginning of the game for me. I did this with skyward sword as well and any other game that has shit in the beginning I want to avoid. 

Corruption is so good I don't have any desire to go back and play Prime. I have and it is a waste of time because it doesn't compare to corruption at all. Corruption exceeds the standard by miles and miles. 
Corruption is a well put together game and way more open world. The atmosphere changes up throughout the game and so do ways of progressing. If you haven't played Metroid Corruption or Super Metroid you now know you need to dump your girlfriend and get both games and consoles pronto.

Metroid Other M is not even worth mentioning. Read other peoples opinions elsewhere and that is likely what I think of the game. I think Nintendo learned their lesson with that game. I highly doubt they will team up with that director or tecmo again. 

The very first NES metroid started it all for me and is a classic. I have gone back to play the game and it has lost it's appeal. I skip it for Super Metroid every time. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dead Space 3 Hollywood DRAMA and Super TEDIOUS repetitive game play

Dead Space 3 was a major let down. The story would have made a nice graphic cartoon. The game play was utter shit. If that was the very first Dead Space maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Dead Space 2 was killer awesome and built up upon the first Dead Space. DS3 was a pretty game and some of the art to the game was nice. Still the game play doesn't measure up with the other parts of the game and game play is basically the entire fucking game.

The Story with Ellie his girlfriend turned me on because it put some pussy drama into my life. I felt like I had been betrayed by the bitch and her new boyfriend was my arch nemesis. I have a huge hard on for space sci fi movies and games like Event Horizon and even the movie Moon comes to mind. When I saw the previews for the first Dead Space I was pumped hard. This horror style survive some shit game was super cool shit when I got my hands on it. The game was using some movies as idea foundations however this was a new idea for gaming and I was down big time. Dead Space two is over the top with coming through on the awesome game they were promising. The game was packed with life and kind of gave me a headache because there was so much on the screen at one time. I could go on and on about this game. Simply it is one of my favorites.

Dead Space 3 has zero build up with the game play. The music goes back and forth every time a monster pops out which is every three seconds. It reminds me of arcade shooters. This is no good, this is unacceptable. I get that they went where the money is however that is not enough. The money is where games are entertaining ya bunch of morons. I went pretty far into the game and felt it was tedious to keep going any further. I was so bored with the game and wanted to find out if Isaac would get Ellie back and if they would bang at some point. The ending of the second game was pretty cool and even wanting to know how the third game turned out I simply didn't want to progress any further. So I have no idea what happened to those two lovers. Isaac sure was a pussy in this game. Ellie was calling the shots and he was being a little bitch doing everything she told him to do. He was sad and bitter about the pairing with her new man. The new man is a goon and she is using him to make Isaac jealous. This is a Hollywood plot and I was into the drama. The plot stirred up old memories of girlfriends or the lack of girlfriends. To bad the game blows. Hey EA think about making a movie out of this plot.

Ellie teasing Isaac with her slutty bust

Game companies are ruining masterpieces. You get pumped about a game and trust the next one will be the shit. You pre-order the game and pick it up full price only to be utterly disappointed when you play it for three minutes. I can never trust any game right out. I have to find out about games after the release and seek out some kind of rental to spare myself the grief.

I do believe we haven't seen the last of Dead Space. I want Horror, I want to play a new, unique, engaging, experience. Make the game gruesome, make it dark and super tense. Give me heads and bodies exploding. Let me be able to shoot a thousand different enemies, let me shoot a thousand different guns. I want it to be difficult and feel powerful at the same time. I don't want anything predictable. Make the game mechanics smooth like butter. So give it to me mutha fukas. I also want to see Ellie naked. By the way give Isaac his balls back.

Splinter Cell Blacklist has many great Qualities in the gameplay

I finished playing all the way through the single player campaign PC version. At first I was skeptical as I started to play through. Differences were distracting me from seeing all the possibilities that this games has. I pushed through and the game started to reveal more.

You want action or you want stealth, it's up to you with this game and it doesn't feel like you have fucked up if you go the action route. It was satisfying however I chose to go. If you are into the game and learn about the different gadgets and weapons you will excel and play like a strategic champ. If you play the game like a meat head that is used to no brain run and gun games you will get fucked up and blame the game for being shitty.

I got killed a shit load of times and went back for more very pissed off. Since I have my game loaded on a solid state drive my reload time was only around 3-5 seconds. I could imagine this is shitty for people that have to wait each time they die to go back at it again. Reloading and loading times are a real pain in the ass and it would be a relief if gaming systems had SSD.

I haven't even touched the online part of the game and that has to be some great gaming, however I will leave that to other people. I'm not much of an online game guy, I get my ass kicked.

I have disliked cut scenes in video games and have wanted them to stay out and leave that shit to movies. This game is a rare occasion, I actually watched all of them all the way through. Even though the face movements have been better in games years passed the story was compelling and I enjoyed it. I'm surprising myself because I usually don't have this many good things to say about action games.

I am a fan of the old day splinter cells like pandora tomorrow and chaos theory. I liked rainbow six games and ghost recon 2 was good times. I never played splinter cell conviction and didn't really like the first splinter cell that came out with xbox 360. I never know what franchise will surprise me with a hit. This game is a hit and the best new game I've played sadly since Dead Space 2 or Skyward Sword, oh can't forget Donkey Kong country returns. All games that came out a while ago. I play all kinds of games so any kind of game could have been mentioned. Sure I like violence and I like to be involved in a game too. This game is very involving.

The replay will be fun times. I look forward to playing the shit out of this game and buying everything there is to buy. I want to be powerful like replaying Resident Evil 4. I do like to remember how to kill levels and this is cool because you can go through each campaign a different way. I want to be able to go through it hardcore stealth style and slice and dice everyone.

Things get mixed up and some people might not like this. I don't care if franchises change. What I care about is if the game is highly entertaining. The game plays good once you get the hang of how your character moves around. Learning curve will take a few hours. First play through is a learning experience all the way. My skill improved and later in the game I was dancing around enemies.

I looked up reviews and was surprised to see some people having a bad experience. I'm thinking these people are horrible at challenging games and I'm not talking about brutally slow paced hard games like Dark Souls. I'm saying you have to use your brain with this game and you have to accept change. It's not a simple game, there is a lot to it and that is a major part of the game being so awesome.

The Wii U version looks like it has some extras that I'm missing out on. The additional stuff on the pad looks pretty cool and is a good look at what that pad is capable of. When I get a Wii U I will have to give it a play.

While I play the game I'm reminded of games like Snake Eater and Manhunt. Both of these games were the shit and I like being reminded of classics when I play a game. It is a good direction for gaming to go in my opinion.

Like I say there are tons of shitty games put out and very few are gems. This game is a gem. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Shadow of Colossus Epic game of the century

Shadow of colossus my third favorite game of all time and as far as creativity goes it is my favorite game. When I looked at still images before the game came out I was very interested in the concept. It wasn't clear to me how the game would play. All I knew was the visuals looked amazing. Once I had the game and was playing the first colossus I went ape. I couldn't believe that other game developers couldn't make more games like this one. This game had surpassed so many other games and the originality of the game was way above the norm.

The fact that there are no enemies along the way to the colossus makes the game that more interesting. I am familiar with games having enemies along the way in every adventure game I've played. This was fresh and took balls to stray away from what people are used to. The center focus was exploring this rich world filled with different landscapes and slaying different types of colossus.

One colossus that sticks out in my mind is the bird you hop on over the lake. Once I got to that area and jumped in the water I was liking the art and how the water looked the right shade and the atmosphere felt real. Latching onto the bird colossus as it fly's by is awesome.

Stabbing the colossus in the sweet spot and blood spurting out is a highlight in the game. Now this is gaming and the climax is rewarding. Try to stay a hold of the colossus while they try to shake you off gives the game life. The movements the colossus make are right on the mark. I read an article about how a lot of focus went into making it feel like the colossus where very big in the game. The movements had a lot to do with this illusion.

I have the PS3 HD version and I don't like it. The controls feel different and there is a zooming in I don't like. Also it feels fucked up with climbing around on the colossus. Maybe it's only me I don't know, fuck the HD. If I'm going to play the game I plug my PS2 in and play it how I'm used to playing it.

Ico was an ok game and I enjoyed it kind of. That game is a play it once and that is it game for me game. Don't get me wrong there is some cool shit in the game, nothing like Shadow of Colossus though.

Like many people I have had my sights on The Last Guardian. I will wait ten years for a game to be made epic. This is looking like a PS4 release which is fucked because 80% of the reason why I bought a PS3 was for this game. If the game takes another four years to make then fuck it let it be. That release will be one of the biggest anticipated games of all time. Only a game like Shadow of Colossus could build that much curiosity about what the next game would be like. I think this is why the game is taking so much time to come out. This is a lot of pressure and if the game is going to be better than the previous that is a hefty task.

If you have never played Shadow of Colossus your shit is fucked up and a PS2 slim and the game should be your very next purchase.