Sunday, February 23, 2014

Death to Platformers

Be careful for what you want.

When the Wii New super mario bros. came out I was recharged with side scrolling enthusiasm. I said to myself this is awesome and nintendo should make more and focus less on big 3d world games.

Well Fuck me. What did I know anyway. What I wanted happened.

Nintendo makes up new ideas in gaming? They stand apart from other companies?


Not lately and that is for shit sure. This new pile of shit gamepad is new innovation for what?

Side scrolling games is what. Hmmm that is the shit that was released 30 years ago. So far the main titles that nintendo has released are side scrolling games. Only pikmin 3 has used the gamepad and that wasn't innovative in my mind. 3DS was lacking this as well until they finally came out with Luigis Mansion and Link between worlds, then the 3D had polish and only in Link between worlds was the 3D utilized in the game play.

Donkey kong is another big nintendo release and not innovative in the least.

I understand Nintendo comes out with epic games and I do have many Nintendo games that I will get into bed with. Man I would like to bitch slap someone for this fucking shit.

Here is one more observation. Donkey Kong tropical breeze feels and plays like a sony game. I don't feel any nintendo in there. Sure it is the old Donkey Kong, still shit feels like sony. The music is aweful and definitely reminds me of some sony kid bullshit. It mostly feels like they are following sony style with this game. This is a damn first. I don't think I have ever seen a game where nintendo is following another style.

What the hell is happening to my beloved Nintendo. Fuck the wii u. Fuck the name wii u. Why the hell would you name a console after a console that faded out as hard as the wii? Shit faded out hard. Didn't the numbers show clearly that people wised up to the wii's bullshit after people were tired of playing wii sports ( the main reason the wii succeeded)?

Hindsight could be what we have here. Lay it out and tell me that this shit is not fucked up. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Donkey Kong Cuntry topical breeze

Well I bought this game today and played it for a half an hour and became extremely bored. I'm getting super tired of side scrolling games. I don't care what the franchise is. Sure the game is pretty the music is shit and it will become hard as shit and might make you throw your wii u pad out the window. Nintendo has smothered us with this side scrolling bullshit.

First time I played through the wii donkey kong I was enjoying the painful difficulty and the game was kick ass. I will say out of all recent side scrolling games I enjoyed that game the most. Now the shit is dead to me. I can't even go back and play that game without getting bored (real quick).

One 2d style game nintendo could make is a game like super metroid. That won't happen because the director of other m fucked that up. I predict shitty sales for this donkey kong game. Mario Kart will sell more than pikmin 3 which will be mind boggling. Give brain dead games to people and they will go ape shit. No pun intended.

Ya I'm a nintendo die hard fan. Tear rolls down my cheek thinking about how shitty this entire wii u bullshit has been. FUCK WII U. I won't give a fuck about mario kart and I won't give a fuck about smash brothers.
If you enjoy those games good for you. Doesn't do me any good though. At least if you go buy those games nintendo can salvage what is left of wii shit u.

Retro makes a metroid game 2d or 3d and wii u would be good enough. They might be working on it right now. A man can dream at least.

Nintendo I'm going to cut you some slack for releasing link between worlds. Excellent game. Sweet gem.

In the beginning I thought 3DS was going to be garbage. I was surprised how great the system is. Now 3DS redeemed itself. Wii U likely will not. Like I have stated before the game pad design is crap beyond crap. The game pad needs to be turned into a smaller pad with the same size screen. You bet both of my balls that is right around the corner.

Go fuck yourself.