Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Zelda Ocarina of TIme ruined

I was liking the new textures and didn't mind some of the new movements until I became grown up link.

Link runs in slow motion and it looks terrible. I remember always liking how they made the adult link back in the day and it still is nice to watch link run around.

He is the center of the screen at all times and this crap they put out is so distracting and off putting I put the game down and doubt I will play it again. This is shitty because I'm sure there is nice textures and different design elements in the rest of the game. I may never know due to this nagging problem. It amazes me that nintendo let that through. Why fuck with something that is part of the original recipe that succeeded. I didn't give much thought to the changes with young link. Adult link is too obvious.

I did notice that Nintendo had help from an outside company with this. That also blows my mind that they would even think about handing that utlra classic over to another company.

Bad Fucking moves, Big huge bad fucking move. This game could have blown me away and I will end up scarred thinking of how it fell short.

The original is an epic game that has out dated textures and even some design. At least I can be amazed by links design and movement. Looks like I'm fucked either way. It is likely that the game will never be remade or fixed up again. Maybe in Ten goddamn years.

One day Nintendo has me amazed by brilliant games and on another they have me wondering what the fuck they were thinking. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Zelda Oracle of Shit

A game that was built to make cunts go buy a strategy guide is oracle of seasons and ages. Go ahead and look up used strategy guides for these games and most all I have seen have been beat up and used like no other.

Some of the dungeons are excellent and full of super fucked up, strange puzzles. You definitely have to think out of the box with this game. Other dungeons blow my dick and are not entertaining to play in the least. Switching back and forth for items during hot boss battles or for various reasons get real old real quick. I feel like a zelda slave playing these games.

I know there are many people out there that like to torture themselves with this game. I could imagine that if you know the game in and out and all the puzzles and mystery are gone you might feel like a master. I say any game that pretty much has you needing a strategy guide to know how to go up or down a screen to get through a series of screens to pass through and knowing which season to be in YOU HAVE TO have the goddamn strategy guide. Sure maybe a dickhead across the map will give you the info to pass. Still that is fucked and more of a headache than enjoying some game time.

I will leave these games to people that like that kind of frustrating misery.

Zelda link between worlds has to be played to make sense

Well I've got to celebrate a pinnacle point here and that is three people have checked out my posts. Mind blowing shit ya.

Ok well for two people I'm going to write about a game that has made an impression on me unlike many big hits that have teens and adults hyped to hell.

That game is the 3DS Zelda link between worlds.

When I first checked out articles about the unreleased game I was not impressed and put out by link walking in walls. Shit looked dumb.

Since I recently picked up a 3DS, I got my hands on the zelda and things made a lot of sense and I was drawn into the game. Being a fan of lolo for nintendo I felt like there was rules in this game and the dungeons reminded me of lolo. The 3D doesn't irritate my eyes with this game for some reason. Nintendo figured out how to make that work some how. The 3D is super cool shit and if you bought a 2DS and Zelda you fucked up because this game is all about the 3D, especially when you are in the dungeons.

This game is so incredible It is the best game I've played in years and it is on a damn handheld. I didn't like either of the ds zeldas, fuck using the stylus to move link around. So the only other handheld zeldas that were acceptable were zeldas made by capcom for fuck sake. Something isn't right with that.

Nintendo has an awesome formula with this game and it would be excellent if Nintendo could incorporate the new features in this game into other zelda games. I would be tits for another zelda link between worlds sequel. It would be super cool if they could mix up ocarina of time like they did with the ultra awesome super nintendo link to the past.

This is one of my favorite Zeldas and is refreshing since there are Zelda games that I simply fucking do not like. It feels good to have this gem in my possession.

You never know when a killer game is going to come out. I didn't even know this game was going to be this great. It was a total surprise. Too many shitty games remind us how a few games here and there are epic. So far Link Between worlds, ocarina of time 3D, and Luigis mansion make the 3DS purchase a must. I'm tem